I was thrilled to find this little bud vase at the Goodwill, along with a little candy dish (not pictured). Each for $1.99! Great find. I don't know what is is about vintage milk glass pieces that draw me to them, especially the Fenton hobnail style of the 1950's. I had a lamp in my bedroom growing up (that now lives in my guest room) that I'm sure you've seen (similar to this one).

My Mom searched flea markets high and low to find a vase that we had when I was growing up (that I didn't appreciate at the time, of course). She found one! Leave it to my Mom to find that desired item and not give up until she does. Do I have a great Mom or what?!
I found this goblet style...candy dish? fruit bowl? during my first trip to Rices Sale & Country Market in New Hope, Pennsylvania while visiting our family. What a place THAT is. If you are ever in the area on a Tuesday or Saturday (7am-1pm) you MUST check it out. They have knock-off designer purses, sports team T-shirts, jewelry, antiques, As Seen on TV items, you name it! I'm using it to store all my buttons.