Friday, January 14, 2011

Before & After Home: Guest Room

Since I can't reveal photos of my nieces new room yet, here's a look at our guest room, which is pretty much a replica of my teen bedroom from the house I grew up in. I took my furniture with me when I got married (thanks Dad and Mom!) and it has been in our guest room ever since. I still remember when I got that daybed. It has a trundle bed underneath, which is about the coolest thing ever. One overnight guest? Here's your bed. Two overnight guests? Here's your secret bed hiding underneath.

The previous owners had twins, a boy and a girl, and their shared room was green and yellow, with a white chair rail. Here is a look at the BEFORE:

It is a long narrow room, with two windows and a pretty big closet, which makes furniture arranging a little challenging. We kept the chair rail and painted the room periwinkle on top and lilac on the bottom. I like color, what can I say? We also added closet doors. Two years ago. Which still need to be painted white. And the knobs need to be installed. On my to do list... Here is the room AFTER:

Isn't it cozy? Reminds me of my old bedroom. So much so, that it's hard to tell the difference in photos! MY OLD ROOM:

Same three framed photos above the bed. Same pillows and duvet. Almost the same wall color. Is that weird? Ah, memories. Makes me want to put on an over-sized flannel shirt with some baggy jeans and make a mix tape. A lot of time was spent hanging out in my room, listening to the radio, talking on the phone, reading and always making stuff. 

Who can spot the photo of my husband and I when we were just dating? Hard to believe that was about 6 years ago!

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