
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Kindle Case

I have been enjoying my new (free!) Kindle, I just needed a case for it. I had an idea of how I wanted to make one, so I looked for templates online.

This cute Kindle pouch by Michelle at Loving Every Second, got the wheels in my head turning. Her's is horizontal. I just love those fabric rosettes! I wanted to make mine vertical.
After a first failed attempt at making one that was too tight, I went back to the drawing board. This one was just too narrow. Guess I'll use it as another coupon pouch. 

Using one fat quarter, I measured and cut two strips of fabric, 7 inches wide by 21 inches long. This allowed for some space inside the finished case. I might try 6 1/2 inches wide next time, just to get it a little more snug. I also cut one strip of cotton batting the same size. 

I layered them, batting down first, one right-side up fabric and the otherfabric right-side down. 

In order to get a nice rounded flap closure, I used a plate to trace a rounded edge, then cut all three layers together. 

Which looked like this. I pinned all three pieces together, down the center, then proceeded to sew all the way around the edges, leaving an opening at the 7 inch straight end.

Here is what the sewn rounded edge looked like. I snipped the rounded edge with scissors to allow it to spread easier when turned right-side out. My cat, Chancho, watches my every move to make sure I'm doing it correctly.

I turned it right-side out and pushed the corners out. 

Here is the end that will need to be sewn shut. I placed my Kindle where I wanted it to sit inside the case. 

And folded he bottom half up to see where the sides would need to be sewn together and  how much the top flap would fold over. I also stuck on velcro squares (with adhesive backing) and sewed them on BEFORE sewing up the sides of the case.

I pinned the case together (with velcro sewn on). Starting at the bottom, I sewed up the side, around the rounded flap closure and down the other side. I had a generous seam allowance which created a "piping" sort of look. 

The velcro holds the case closed. I added a big button for decoration to finish it off. It has just enough batting to give it some protection. I love my new case! 

I would be happy to make a custom case for you upon request. Size and fabric are your choice! It would make a great gift - especially accompanied by a kindle or other electronic reader. Send me an email if you're interested in placing an order.


  1. So cute! I'm glad mine gave you a little inspiration - that's what blogging is all about!

    I haven't done a tutorial on the fabric rosettes, but here is a link to one - I do mine exactly like she does:

    Take care!
    Michelle :)

  2. What a great case. I have to make one for my nook. Great tutorial as well. I am your latest follower. I would love for you to come and check out my blog and follow me back at Thanks so much.

  3. I got inspired by yours, and I made one for myself!


Thank you!