
Sunday, September 14, 2014

Boy, Oh Boy

At our 19-week ultrasound on Monday, we found out that our growing baby is a BOY! Andrew and I are thrilled and even more excited to meet him! For some reason, I had a feeling it might be a boy. Part of me was hoping for a girl (and the majority "vote" of friends and family was for a girl). Now that we know, I'm so excited and I can't help daydreaming of what he will be like. 

During our ultrasound it was amazing to see how much he's grown and continues to develop. 10 fingers, 10 toes, arms and legs, his cute little profile, his beautiful beating heart. He was VERY active and kept moving around. So much so, we had to take a break before continuing to get all of the views and measurements. He kept rolling around - I have a feeling this is a sign of things to come... The most adorable part, was watching him keep putting his tiny hands in front of his face, almost as if he was being bashful.

We're working on a name(s), which is proving to be a bit challenging! We're keeping that a secret until he arrives. I've also started thinking about how to decorate his room. 

I'm feeling good (aside from not sleeping so great). I'm really enjoying this second trimester. I just feel so happy and thankful. I love my growing belly and still look at it in disbelief. Most of all, we are tremendously grateful that baby boy Ohl is healthy and growing right on schedule. Tomorrow I'll be at the half way mark! I can't believe how quickly the weeks are passing. I keep trying to imagine what it will be like to see him for the first time and hold him in my arms. 

God is good! 


Thank you!