
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Riding Into the Future

Happy (belated) 2013 everyone! I hope you're riding into a healthy, happy and hopeful new year. I have missed all of you, here in blog land. I almost feel overwhelmed at how much I'd like to catch up on. I had a very wonderful Christmas vacation, complete with family, dear friends, gifts, good food, shopping and relaxation. Followed by a wonderful 2nd Christmas with our family in Pennsylvania, with whom we also got to ring in the new year. I feel quite blessed, indeed. 

The above photo was taken in my in-law's front yard after a beautiful snowfall. Yes, this is my Father-in-law, Denny, driving the 4-wheeler, pulling my two nieces on a sled, attached with a rope. I took quite a few turns riding that sled - by myself, with my husband and with Sydney and Morgan. You can imagine how much fun we had! Of course, there were also a few rides on the 4-wheeler, snow ball fights, and a couple attempts by Andrew and David to ride a snowboard behind said 4-wheeler. We Ohl's live on the edge! 

David, my talented brother-in-law and photographer, captured some amazing moments that day. Check out his webpage to see more of his work. The following are a few of my favorite shots he took on our snow day. 

Andrew and I holding on for dear life, as Denny "tried" not to dump us off, every time he took a turn. 

The joy on Sydney and Morgan's faces and the giggles/shrieks the made were priceless! 

My love and I, dressed like puffy Michelin men. Andrew is secure enough to wear his great-grandma's snow suit. He's a real man.

And here's me, laughing my head off, loving flying through the snow, trying not to fall off. Here's to 2013 and riding into the future!

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