
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Blogs I Like

Photo from Marcel Media

Did you know, according to Wikipedia, as of February 16, 2011, there were over 156 million public blogs in existence. 156 million. That's a lot of blogs and people and blogging! I feel like my blog list of favorites grows on a daily basis. One blog leads to another, which leads to another, and before you know it, you have 283 bookmarks. Like me. 

Since February is the month for love, I'm going to show some blog love and share a few favorites with you. Some of them are already listed in my "Favorite Places to Visit" sidebar, but they deserve another shout out. Some you may already know and love, and some may be new to you. So here are the ones I love clicking on, in no particular order. They feel like friends to me. Who knows what I mean?

Young House Love This is one of the very best blogs, hands down, in my opinion, and I know I'm not alone. Jon, Sherry, Clara and Burger and their DIY home renovations mesmerize and inspire me. 

The Pioneer Woman Ree is an amazing cook, photographer and story teller, among other things. Is there anything she doesn't do? Her writing style just plain cracks me up. Her Photoshop brushes and tips are awesome. Her recipes are divine. If you don't love her already, you will.

How About Orange I check Jessica Jones blog just about every day. She's a very cool designer and always seems to be in the know on the latest goings on in the design world. And also designs fabric and has a shop! As well as great links and cool how-to projects.  

Mablel's House There's something so charming and honest about Liz's entries. Everyday happenings, family stories, home decor projects, and she's a fantastic writer. A book writer in fact. And I love the old photos she bravely shares with the world.

Clover Lane Sarah (great name) is a wife and mother of 5 kids, who shares such wise advise and family experiences. She also shares delicious and practical recipes. I don't have kids yet, but I've been soaking up all of her motherly advise and tucking it away for future use.

Twig and Thistle Kathleen is a graphic designer who knows print and packaging (like me) and I love her work. Her posts are full of so much style, beauty and things that make me say, "That is so cute!" "How clever!" and "I wish I could do that!"

Style Me Pretty Is, as stated, the ultimate wedding blog. One gorgeous wedding after the next. Each time I go there, it makes me what to get married all over again and plan it in a different theme and color palette. 

Little Green Notebook If you want some serious style and home decor inspiration, Jenny is your gal. She has such an eye for making any space look like a room out of a magazine. And she's awesome at furniture refurbishing. 

Fly Through Our Window Darby is a mom who dabbles in a lot of things - photography, recipes, renovations, tutorials, and her shop Honey Bee Tee's is adorable. 

Bower Power Katie Bower cracks me up. She is a new mom, home decorator, DIY maven, photographer and Jersey girl turned southern girl. She and her husband Jeremy take on tons of great projects and she never ceases to surprise me and make me laugh. 

Remodelaholic Just like it sounds, this blog is about repurposing, remodeling, and sharing great before and afters. Cassity features fabulous projects that her readers submit. I was even featured a couple of times! It's also one of my favorite blogs for recipe and project link-ups. 

JPM Design I like Mary's style. She is an interior designer and event stylist (two things I would love to do!) in Northern California (great location!). Her images and inspiration are truly inspiring.

Cartwheel Soup Bethany is a friend of mine and I adore her photography style. She is a wife and mom and professional photographer and a beautiful writer. Her posts are heartfelt and real.

Domestic Ease This site is a smorgasbord of cool topics - home, kitchen, family, moment, heart. Broken down by each day of the month. And they have giveaways.   

Picky Palate Jenny is always cooking up something fantastic. Many times involving chocolate or some dessert I have to try. You will find great recipes here. 

There you have it. 15 of my favorite blogs. That should keep you busy for a while. It keeps me busy. I'm always interested in new blogs, so feel free to send your recommendations. There's 156 million blogs out there!


  1. I actually just started crying when I got to the bottom of your post and saw my blog on there. Thanks for making my day!!

  2. I absolutely love Style Me Pretty! Awesome awesome list!


Thank you!