
Monday, June 30, 2014

Graduation Time

My all-grown-up nephew, Elijah, the one who first made me an aunt, just graduated high school. High school! How can that be? Wasn't he the little guy just running around with Tonka trucks, watching Bob The Builder? Now, he's over 6 feet tall and about to start college in a couple months. Wow. 

I'm so very proud of him. He is kind, funny, thoughtful, talented - and likes to push the limits. He's a teenage boy, of course. 

His graduation was on Saturday and we sat waaaay up in the balcony. Where's Waldo? 

There he is! 

I'm so glad we could be there for his big day. 

Elijah's graduation party was actually the night before. It was a beautiful (hot) Friday. Our dearest friends and family gathered in Chris and Lisa's backyard to celebrate. It was so nice to see faces from near and far.

Congratulations on a job well done, Elijah! This is the beginning of an exciting new chapter for you. I know you will go on to do great things with the gifts that God has blessed you with. We love you!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Ohl's at the Mountains

Father's Day weekend, the Ohl's decided to meet in Potter County, PA for what I like to call a "wilderness weekend". Over 70 acres of land with a double wide trailer that have been in the family for years. It's a whole lotta land, trees, trails, hunting memorabilia, and nature. Lots of nature. Green as far as the eye could see with blue skies overhead. The weather was a mix of hot and cold. Literally, that drastic. But we had a fire going to keep us warm (and smokey). 

The most fun had to be riding 4-whelers. I'm glad my husband is such a good driver because I was holding on to him for dear life! Steep trails up hills and flying along roads in shaded woods was beautiful - and crazy. We all had our share of 4-wheeling fun! 

I was in my glory when I saw HORSES in the neighboring field. 13 of them. We made friends with two in particular. I visited them a couple times a day and managed to sneak them some carrots and apples. They let us pet their noses and admire them. Next time I'll definitely ask the owners for a ride. I just love horses. 

We were extremely proud of Marilyn, my mother in law, for roughing it at the trailer AND for making the trip with injured feet and ankles. Not to mention the fact that Laura, Sydney and Morgan drove through the night to get there! We even got to see David and Elsa and celebrate David's birthday AND Father's Day together. It was a fun and memorable weekend at Bryant Hollow. 

I'll let the photos speak for themselves. Thank you, Laura, for sharing some of your photos, too!

Till next time...

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Upcycled Jar Vases

I find myself saving jars. Pickle jars. Sauce jars. Pesto jars. Hot pepper jars. Glass jars of all shapes and sizes. Mason jars. I just like glass. I can't explain it. It's so easy to clean and re-purpose. 
Once such use, is turning them into flower vases to gift or decorate a table. I recently made a birthday bouquet for my coworker and it was adorable. What made it special was the addition of a strip of decorative contact paper around the middle. So simple! 

You can pick fresh flowers from your garden or pick up an inexpensive mixed bouquet at the grocery store.

Empty, clean and remove the label from your choice of jar. 

Measure and cut a strip of adhesive backed paper. I got a 2 pack of rolls from Marshall's.

Carefully stick contact paper around the middle of the jar. Be mindful of curves which will cause wrinkles. 

Cut the stems and arrange your flowers. Add some ribbon, raffia or a tag and you have a perfectly lovely flower arrangement for not a lot of money! 

Even a simple string with a little message will brighten someones day. 

Isn't that sweet? 

Who needs a fancy vase? Save those jars! Pickle jars work especially well because they are a little larger. Jars are perfect center pieces for bridal or baby showers, or even a rustic wedding. Think twice before throwing them into the recycling bin.